The Wellness 360

As we age, certain Hormonal systems start to become unbalanced.
These imbalances cause us to age, age quicker than normal or appear
older than we are. Hormonal imbalances can affect men as well as women.


Testosterone is a hormone made by the body and is responsible for the normal growth and development of the male sex organs and for maintenance of other sexual characteristics. It’s what puts on a man’s chest. It’s the force behind his sex drive. In adulthood, it keeps a man’s muscles and bones strong and maintains his interest in sex. In short, It’s what makes a man a man (at least physically). After age 30, most men begin to experience a gradual decline in testosterone. A decrease in sex drive sometimes accompanies the drop in testosterone, leading many men to mistakenly believe that their loss of interest in sex is simply due to getting older. Many of the symptoms of low testosterone are mirrored with other medical problems; that is, other medical problems may arise as a result of low testosterone; including, but not limited to, diabetes, depression, high blood pressure, and coronary artery disease – many of these stemming from obesity.



Fatigue or decrease energy
Reduce sex drive
Sexual dysfunction
Depressed mood
Increase body fat
Reduced muscle mass and strength
Decreased bone strength
Loss of body hair
Changes in mood
Decrease in memory
Joint pain
Irregular sleep patters

Low T is diagnosed when levels fall below normal range. A blood test is used to determine your level of circulating testosterone


Testosterone affects the function of many organs in the body. In the brain, it influences sex drive, male aggression, mood and thinking. Testosterone can improve verbal memory and visual-spatial skills, It has also been shown to decrease fatigue and depression in men with low levels. It is responsible for muscle strength and growth, and stimulates stem cells and blood cells in bones and kidneys. Penile growth, erections, sperm production, and pro-static growth and function all depend on testosterone.  It also causes body hair growth, balding and drives beard growth, thus, testosterone makes us who we are and influences how we look.

What is Bioidentical Hormone Therapy for Men?

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy has become the preferred treatment for men seeking to restore hormone levels to a balanced state and stop the symptoms of aging. Bioidentical hormones are one form of hormone therapy that has gained popularity in recent decades—though it dates back to the 1930s—because of its effectiveness in helping men and women achieve hormonal balance.

Bioidentical hormones are compounded hormones derived from naturally-occurring sources and designed to be structurally indistinguishable from endogenous human hormones. The term “bioidentical” refers to the exact-match replication that can be credited for the reduced number of side effects and risks patients experience, as well as the effectiveness of the treatment.

Bioidentical hormones are created in a lab and compounded into tailored prescriptions at a compounding pharmacy. Compounding pharmacies operate under specified guidelines established by the FDA to compound bioidentical hormones in the exact strength and dosage as prescribed by the attending practitioner. In most cases, bioidentical hormones cannot be patented and made into mass prescription forms by large pharmaceutical companies.

Doses are carefully determined by your practitioner. Your hormone therapy practitioner will meet with you to review and discuss your medical history, symptoms, lifestyle and lab results. This information ensures that your treatment plan and prescriptions perfectly suited to the needs of your body and the health goals you wish to achieve.

Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy has been shown to be an effective treatment for men suffering from symptoms of hormone imbalance. Men have reported vast benefits from bioidentical testosterone therapy and fewer side effects than with synthetic hormones. There are a number of hormone replacement therapy options available to meet the medical needs, health goals and lifestyles of most men, including pellets, patches, creams, pills and injections. The delivery method selected is largely dependent on the design of the treatment plan and personal preferences.


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